Over the past few years, our congregation has been blessed with more families coming and worshiping with us each week! While we have our regular YOUTH GROUP which meets each week for devotionals, Bible Studies, and other activities...we noticed our younger kids (infants - 5th grade) were growing in number but didn't have a group of their own. Why can't these kids have their own group that meets and has activities focused on their age?
They can! And thus we created the "GROWTH: Children's Group!"
Our focus is on creating an environment and opportunity for this age group to grow closer to God and form lasting relationships with friends that will "grow" with them while they are a part of our congregation.
The group name is an acronym based on the fundamentals we hope to share with them! God, Relationships, Opportunities, Wisdom, Truth, and Help!
God is first and foremost the most important part of our lives and the lives of our young kids. Next comes the relationships we form with those around us. We teach our kids to live the scriptures, like, "love your neighbor as yourself" (Mark 12:31). We also provide our kids with opportunities to put into action the things that they learn. It's one thing to be told, "give to those in need", and another thing to volunteer at a local animal shelter, or food pantry. While our kids have regular Bible Study opportunities each week, Sunday and Wednesday, we look for hands-on events to increase their wisdom and understanding of the truth. We will have devotionals at the building prior to visiting a local firehouse, museum, aquarium, etc., where the lessons they have learned come to life! Lastly, we provide a helping hand to not only those in the community but personally to our kids and their families. At any time children can sign-up for private bible studies, family bible studies, or counseling sessions. It's not a requirement, but another opportunity for growth. Families that grow closer together, grow closer to God!
We hope you consider being a part of this event! If you'd like more information...you can fill out the form below!
upcoming events!
October: 21st (Friday) - Dinner, Devo, and Pumpkin Carving!
November: 20-23 (When available) - Food delivery to members in need!
December: 9th (Friday) - Movie Night hosted by GROWTH Kids! "The Grinch" Food provided!